Seek to save time, money and business relations by choosing to mediate

Involving a mediator can be a fantastic way to get to a cost effective and often early resolution of a dispute. A mediator does not impose a solution on the parties but explores in confidence with each party whether there is a middle ground that can be found for settlement. As a mediator is not making a decision on the dispute, the mediator has the freedom to explore alternative solutions to a “who is right and who is wrong” approach. This can also involve exploring whether there is anything outside of the core dispute which either is preventing resolution or which could be added into the mix to get to a resolution.
With any mediation it is solely up to the parties as to whether a resolution can be reached but the skills of the mediator are to effectively and efficiently draw out where there might be scope for settlement and, at each stage only with the consent of each party, disclose to the other party information which may help both of them come to a final resolution.
For those who have never tried mediation, it can be surprising how effective the process is and for those who have used it before then hopefully you are already a convert. Either way, please feel free to get in touch to understand how Seymour Solutions can help resolve bring the mediation process to your dispute.